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Platform: PSX
Developer: Atlus USA
Publisher: Atlus USA
Format: 1 CD
Players: 1
Final Fantasy Tactics this
The graphics in Hoshigami were your basic isometric 3D graphics, no better than
Final Fantasy Tactics or Breath of Fire IV. That, in my opinion, was a huge let
Why? Well, Hoshigami is most likely the last isometric game to be released for
Sony Playstation and it didn't even manage to beat Final Fantasy Tactics'
and that game was released way back in 1997!
Game sprites look pretty cheesy and lack plenty of detail. If you're looking for
looking lancers, or big cool looking demons, than don't look at this game's
The sprites lack everything... Detail, depth, color. You name it and I'd bet
you that
they are missing it.
The only real strong point (graphics-wise) is the character artwork. Faces are
well done,
as are the body portraits. Aside from that... Graphics are a bummer.
I'd have to say the graphics deserve about 4/10.
Heh... I'll tell you now, these definitely aren't Squaresoft compositions.
The music literally sucks, no word of a lie. If I had the chance to do
music I would most likely do a much better job. When you go into a new fight,
usually one of two battle themes... I think that's all I heard were two...
Sound effects
are composed mainly of clicks, beeps, and slashes... Impressive, huh? No, not
Anyway, Music/Sound in Hoshigami: Ruining Blue Earth is just plain terrible.
While its
alright the first time you play, the music gets pretty annoying after your
first two missions
of the exact same battle music! I'd have to give this a 4/10.
What? Innovation? Obviously the developers never heard of that. Other strategy
RPG games such as Final Fantasy Tactics or even Tactics Ogre allows you to
change the class/job of your characters. In Hoshigami this feature was a no
show. When you reach a town, you can recruit berserkers, soldiers... Of course,
it doesn't even say what their class/job is, but its quite obvious what hey are
when you see the sprites. So, in a way, you recruit people with no class/job.
Isn't that lame? Anyway, now we're getting into the funny stuff... In Final
Fantasy Tactics, when you reach a town, you can shop, recruit, visit the bar...
That kind of stuff. Hoshigami is practically identical to this, complete with a
little picture of the town! Heh, I smell a wanna-be!
Innovation is zilch... 1.5/10.
HA! This is the only passing mark this game will get from me! Hoshigami's
gameplay is pretty bad, if not terrible. Now that said, you know what to
expect. Something bad. Why is it bad? Well, hear me out... When you
go into a fight in Hoshigami, you'll probably pick about seven characters.
You'll often fight against 20 or more guys who are all match your highest level
character's level. To top that off, they're all better than you are, and they
have a strange way of knowing who is weak against what and will usually only
attack characters that are weak against the element they have. There is no MP
or spells in this game... You boost up magic coins and they unleash magic. It
sounds interesting, but its pretty annoying, and getting an awesome coin with a
very powerful spell is harder than anything I've ever done in most games.
Here's another tasty tidbit for you... If a character dies in battle, they are
gone... Dead... FOREVER! If someone dies, you cannot
revive them and they will not come back after the level. Now, I'm sorry but
that is just stupid and retarded. When someone dies (and in the average level
its about four of your seven) you have to go hire some new people and train
them to at least match your highest levels. That means that if you get somebody
new (unfortunately every new character starts at level one) you have to go into
the Tower of Trial and train them. You'll often lose your best characters
during the levels, making training even harder!
All I can say is that the difficulty of this game is insane. Gameplay gets
Lasting Appeal
Ooooh, you want a game that lasts? Stay away from Hoshigami. Buy Final Fantasy
Tactics. That's all I can say... DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS BAD GAME.
Lasting Appeal gets 1/10.
Graphics: 4/10
Music/Sound: 4/10
Innovation: 1.5/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Lasting Appeal: 1/10
OVERALL: 15.5/50 = 31%
"Hoshigami is nothing more than a terrible wanna-be of Final Fantasy Tactics
that fails in
every single category known to man. Avoid Hoshigami at all costs." (Especially